Please complete the following details, including thorough details of eligibility for Life Membership, and the name of the supporting member of the Board of Governors (BOG). A maximum of 2 Life Memberships can be awarded in any financial year.
Nominations are now open and will close on Friday 28th February 2025. All nominations will be reviewed by the ECWA Board of Governors, and the award will be announced at the 2025 AGM scheduled for Thursday 27th March 2025.
For further information or clarification, please see the Club Constitution.
Life Membership
(a) A maximum of 2 Life Memberships may be awarded in any financial year. An annual award is not mandatory and the Board of Governors may choose not to make any award in any year.
(b) Life Memberships will be granted on a majority vote by the Board of Governors at their meeting immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting and announced at the AGM. The nominee should have served or be serving the Club on a voluntary basis.
(c) Members will be asked by a notice issued prior to the AGM to nominate candidates for Life Membership. The notice will set down the criteria for award of Life Membership and provide the deadline for receipt of nominations, approximately 1 month prior to the AGM.
(d) Nominations must address the criteria for Life Membership set out in clause 2.2(f). All nominations must be signed by the nominator and one member of the current Board of Governors. All nominations will be kept confidential.
(e) Unsuccessful candidates may be renominated in any following financial year. However, the Board of Governors retains the discretion to consider as nominees any candidates previously nominated.
(f) To be eligible for nomination to Life Membership, a member must:
(1) be a current financial member of the Club, and
(2) have contributed to the Club in one or more of the following ways:
(A) served on the Board of Governors for a minimum of 3 years; or
(B) otherwise rendered distinguished service to the Club.
(g) A Life Member will have all the rights and privileges of membership of the Club without payment of any subscription.